Fast Blackhole shader
A blackhole lensing shader made with webgl
. Runs better with hardware acceleration enabled.
Novikov-Thorne Viz.
A ReactJS
web application that illustrates how different physical effects contribute to the appearance of an accreting black hole.
Jupiter Light Measurment
A P5.js
animation that shows how the apparent orbital period of Io changes with the motion of the Earth.
Hydrogen Atom
A ReactJS
applet that I made to visualize hydrogen atom orbital clouds.
Why is the sky blue?
An interactive applet that calculates and displays the color that the sky would appear to a human if illuminated by stars of varying temperatures.
Black Hole Mirror
A camera filter that shows what you would look like if you used a black hole as a mirror. The lensing effect has been exagerated to illustrate the photon rings.
implementation of an automatic differentiable raytracer in the Kerr spacetime
A Julia
implementation of the Toshio Fukushima algorithms for calculating Elliptic Integrals and Jacobi Elliiptic functions.